What is Reiki?

Reiki, a Japanese healing technique originated by Mikao Usui, has garnered widespread recognition for its ability to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and facilitate healing. The practice involves placing hands on or near different parts of the body, allowing spiritual energies to flow and assist in healing the meridians and chakras. By addressing imbalances in these energy centers, Reiki can help alleviate feelings of low energy, stress, and general unwellness.

The term “Reiki” itself is derived from two Japanese words: “Rei,” meaning the wisdom or knowledge of all the universe, and “Ki,” referring to life force energy. Together, these elements form the foundation of Reiki practice, emphasising the interconnectedness of all living beings and the universal energy that permeates the cosmos.

At its core, Reiki is considered an alternative medicine that utilises a technique known as palm healing. During a Reiki session, a practitioner channels “universal spiritual energy” through their palms to the patient in a safe and non-invasive manner. This energy transfer is believed to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes and promote overall well-being.

Over the years, Reiki has been recognised for its effectiveness in alleviating a wide range of illnesses and conditions. From chronic pain and fatigue to emotional distress and mental health concerns, Reiki has offered relief and support to countless individuals seeking holistic healing modalities.

As interest in complementary and alternative medicine continues to grow, Reiki remains a popular choice for those seeking natural approaches to health and wellness. Its gentle yet powerful effects make it accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds, offering a pathway to greater vitality, balance, and harmony in life.

History of Reiki

Mikao Usui’s journey began on August 15th, 1865, in Yamagata, where he was born. His early years were steeped in spiritual education, as he attended a Tendai Buddhist Monastery school at the tender age of four. It was during this formative period that Usui developed a deep appreciation for the teachings of Buddhism, laying the foundation for his future spiritual endeavors.

In his twenties, Usui delved into the study of martial arts, eventually becoming a licensed teacher in this ancient discipline. Alongside his martial arts training, he immersed himself in the practice of Qi Gong, a system aimed at harnessing life force energy through meditation, breathing exercises, and slow movements. This exploration of Qi Gong was pivotal for Usui, as it provided him with the foundation he needed to develop his own unique healing modality.

Usui’s quest for knowledge led him far and wide, as he traveled to China and Europe in search of ancient healing techniques and spiritual wisdom. His studies encompassed various disciplines, including medicine, psychology, theology, and the spiritual teachings of different cultures and religions. Additionally, Usui became involved in a metaphysical group dedicated to the development of psychic abilities, drawn by his innate talent for hands-on healing.

In 1914, Usui took a significant step on his spiritual journey by becoming a Buddhist monk. For the next six years, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to intensive practice and meditation, delving deep into the realms of spiritual awakening and self-realization. It was during this period of intense spiritual exploration that Usui experienced a profound spiritual awakening, culminating in the discovery of the Usui System of Reiki Healing.

In 1922, Usui founded his own practice, Usui Shiki Ryoho, or the Usui System of Reiki Healing. This holistic healing modality, rooted in ancient spiritual principles and guided by Usui’s profound spiritual insights, quickly gained recognition for its effectiveness in promoting healing and well-being. Today, the legacy of Mikao Usui lives on through the practice of Reiki, empowering individuals around the world to tap into the healing power of universal life force energy.

"Reiki is love, love is wholeness, wholeness is balance. balance is wellbeing, wellbeing is freedom from disease."

~ Dr Mikao Usui

Reiki can help to:

Ease stress, creating a calmer and more relaxed attitude to life

Alleviate hyperactivity in children

Settle past trauma and distress

Bring comfort and ease during grief

Relieve pain and inflammation

Speed the healing of wounds

Reduce joint and back pain

Promote self-awareness and personal growth

Sessions: What to Expect

A typical session

During a Reiki treatment session, you may notice a gentle warmth as the healing energy flows into your body, working to balance and release stress and tension stored within. This soothing sensation is often accompanied by a deep sense of relaxation and an overall feeling of well-being, as the body and mind surrender to the healing energies.

Throughout the session, you will remain fully clothed and recline comfortably on a massage bed, with only your coat and shoes removed to ensure maximum relaxation. I will then proceed to treat the entire body, gently placing their hands on or near various energy centres known as chakras, for several minutes at a time. It's important to note that during a Reiki session, no pressure is applied to the body, allowing the energy to flow freely and work its magic at a pace that feels comfortable and natural.

As the session progresses, you may experience subtle shifts in energy, as blockages are released and the body's natural healing processes are activated. This may manifest as sensations of warmth, tingling, or a sense of lightness, as stagnant energy is cleared and replaced with vital life force energy.

Throughout the treatment, I will work intuitively, following the guidance of the Reiki energy to address any areas of imbalance or discomfort. Each hand position is carefully selected to target specific energy centers, allowing for a comprehensive and holistic healing experience.

After the session, many clients report feeling deeply relaxed, rejuvenated, and at peace, with a newfound sense of clarity and vitality. It's not uncommon to experience continued benefits in the days following a Reiki treatment, as the effects of the healing energy continue to unfold and integrate into your daily life.

Fees / About

Reiki stands as a profound and transformative healing modality, harnessing the potent energies of the universe to facilitate balance, relaxation, and rejuvenation within the mind, body, and spirit. Through the gentle yet potent practice of hands-on healing, Reiki practitioners channel universal life force energy, directing it to wherever it is needed most within the recipient’s energy field.

At its core, Reiki serves as a catalyst for deep relaxation and stress relief, offering a sanctuary of calm amidst the chaos of daily life. As the healing energy flows through the practitioner’s hands and into the recipient’s body, it works to dissolve energetic blockages and release stagnant energy that may be causing feelings of exhaustion or dis-ease. With each session, Reiki acts as a powerful tool for clearing away the debris of stress, tension, and negativity, restoring balance and vitality to the entire being.

Beyond its immediate benefits for relaxation and stress reduction, Reiki holds the potential to address a wide range of physical, emotional, and spiritual concerns. By restoring harmony to the energy centres, known as chakras, Reiki can help alleviate physical discomfort, promote emotional well-being, and support spiritual growth and self-discovery.

Through regular Reiki treatments, individuals may experience profound shifts in their overall sense of health and vitality, as well as enhanced clarity, creativity, and resilience in the face of life’s challenges. As the energetic pathways are cleared and aligned, the body’s innate healing mechanisms are activated, paving the way for greater well-being and a deeper connection to the divine within.

Ultimately, Reiki serves as a gentle yet potent reminder of our inherent connection to the universe and the boundless wellspring of healing energy that flows through us all. By opening ourselves to receive the gifts of Reiki, we invite greater harmony, balance, and vitality into our lives, empowering us to thrive on every level of our being.

Reiki £40 per session

Distant healing £30 per session

If you are looking for reiki sessions in the Bury area then please contact me to make a booking.

What my clients say


“When I first came for Reiki I was not a believer of anything like that. After my first session I was hooked. i began 5o feel the physical and mental benefits to having it. I now go once a month for Reiki and look forward to it every month. Thank you to Shanna for introducing me to it”


“Thank you so much for my wonderful Reiki sessions. I felt so stressed and anxious, but Shanna’s sessions were incredible. I felt more relaxed after each session and I’ve finally been able to let go of some of my past that was dragging me down”


“Shanna was excellent. I felt so much calmer and relaxed after my Reiki session. She is truly a special person with a wonderful gift and would definitely recommend and will be returning”

Get in touch

Contact me if you would like to have a chat about any of the services I offer, or to ask about booking an appointment or course.

Alternatively, you can call me on 07961 540622.

My location

I am based in Tottington, Bury in Greater Manchester and am easily accessible from Bolton, Rochdale, Rossendale and the surrounding areas.

Please don't hesitate to contact me to enquire about availability or to ask any questions you may have before booking an appointment.

Fees & availability

For counselling fees and availability click here.

For reiki fees and availability click here.

I have a 24 hour notice period if you need to cancel an appointment that has been allocated to you. Any cancellations within this time frame will be charged at the full price.